Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bad Beat Story

We all have bad beats, but some are definitely worse than others.  I was sitting in 5th place or so in a 90man SNG on stars and everything is going well, then I get dealt AA and everything is going REALLY well.  3 of us are in the pot with one guy all in and the pot value somewhere around 23k.
The flop comes T 3 8, the most harmless looking flop you will ever see while holding pocket Aces.  The guy to my right shoves, putting me all in and I insta-call to see that he has pocket tens.  The turn and river come as blanks and his set beats my aces, knocking me out of a tournament that should have been a very easy cash.
The hand is here: http://www.pokerhand.org/?5167396 and it is sooooo ridiculous...
I'm sure there will be more to come, especially when I lose with pocket As.
Post your bad beat stories/hand histories in a comment; let's see who has the worst luck!  :P

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